Política de privacidade  /  Privacy policy


A Kaza Kerr is a legal entity registered with the CNPJ 42.690.262/0001-75 based on Avenida Pavão, 130 Sao Paulo-SP, Brazil. We operated an e-commerce, online store. We take the security of your personal data seriously and protect the personal data of all our clients, partners, suppliers and users of the site www.akazakerr.com and any other site, platform, or app run by A Kaza Kerr. This privacy policy  informs you about the way we use and share information collected in your visits to our platform, and in messages that we exchange with you. This privacy policy is applicable only to information collected by means of our platforms. We secure the data supplied by our clients and visitors while interacting in our channels. We are in accordance with regulations that regulate the activities of treatment of personal data GLPD (General Law of Protection of Personal Data). For a better experience in our channels, the client can give us the approval of treatment of personal data and authorize us to treat their personal data with previous given consent and total security. 


How do you authorize the Privacy Policy? When the client or visitor accesses our site, a question appears on the screen asking if the client agrees or not with our privacy policy. You have two options: accept or not accept

Option 1: When you click “accept”, we have your permission to access and deal with the given data. After giving your permission, you can revoke at any moment. The revoking does not cancel the process done previously. When you accept, you can navigate the website in a safe mode throughout your purchase experience. 

Option 2: When you click “don’t accept” we don’t have your permission to access your data. You are not obliged to share with us your personal data. However, if you do accept, you cannot have complete access to the platform to navigate our channels. It is not possible to use all the resources and specialized benefits or complete a purchase on our website. 

What is our Privacy Policy? Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, keep, use, share and protect personal information. In this way, we maintain credibility, security and transparency in our relationship with our customers and visitors to our channels during the process of collection and use of data.


Why is the Privacy Policy necessary? The Privacy Policy guarantees the data confidentiality of our clients and visitors during interaction on our website. 


How do we collect data? A Kaza Kerr collects client information in different ways: when the client makes available identification information to buy products offered by the website; exchange any product; create an account and shares data in “my account”; subscribes to our newsletter; interacts with “consumer service''; participates in surveys or marketing promotions, etc. Among the information that can be asked are: name, email, tax ID number, date of birth, gender, address, telephone numbers and credit card number. 


Information collected through cookies: We collect information through cookies. With cookies, stored information is sent by the servers to the computer user to identify the client. Cookies are used only for internal control of the audience and navigation but never to keep track of the preferences of the user, except when this user disrespects any security rules or performs any harmful activity to the good work of the website (for example, trying to hack the service). The cookie settings can be freely altered in the navigator’s settings. 


Information collected automatically: We collect and store certain information when the client interacts with us. For example, we use cookies to obtain information when your navigator accesses our site, when you click on ads, emails, or links to our channels


Other information that can be collected: Login information to social networking sites, in case you fill our questionnaire by means of a social network, such as Facebook or Google, and authorize this data; information that we collected from third parties such as our questionnaire data (name, date of birth, ID number, telephone number, address, etc.); if you belong to any list of Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) or any alert list (like OFAC, CSNU and other international lists), among others. Information given by clients voluntarily, by means of communication with A Kaza Kerr in social media or in products comments and evaluation. 


How do we store data? To guarantee that you make a safe purchase, we keep all the information stored in a private database with total security and access limited to trained employees. The General Data Protection Law (GDPL) gives the client the right to formally request A Kaza Kerr, at any moment, for information about the data that we treated.


How do we protect data? The access to our database is protected by cryptographic systems and cyber security mechanisms. All access is monitored by qualified employees who have agreed to our “confidentiality and security information terms” that aims to avoid information leaks and to not use information in an inappropriate manner. In this way, we assure that any information related to the users, will not be given, published or marketed to third parties. 


How do we use data? To deliver the products or services acquired; to do the process of exchange or return of products within the deadline established by the CDC (Consumer Defense Code), to send updates about the status of product orders, coordinate with partners the delivery or availability of products, to provide customer service to our clients, improve the clients purchase experience, to perform analysis and market research, to keep the client informed about the products we offer, to do directed online publicity, to prevent, detect and investigate activities that are in disagreement with our “behavior code” or that are prohibited or illegal, to improve our website, products and services, so that the client can make a purchase with security, so that the client can make the payment for the product, to create and send the “voucher receipt”, to send relevant communication about the products, news, or updates, to give a better experience to the client, to guarantee the security of the site, to fulfill our legal obligations, and for management and administrative purposes. 


How do we share data? Information collected will only be shared when necessary for adequate services given the objective of your activity with partner companies, for protection in case of conflict, towards judicial decision or competent authority request, with companies that provide technological and operational infrastructure, like companies that make intermediate payments and are providers of information storage services. 


How are marketing services offered? Marketing services are offered by means of free offers of communication, services and products aimed at the client, related to your profile in the website and past purchases. This service is performed via email, SMS and apps. It’s relevant that the client can cancel the service at any moment by sending an email to: [email protected]. To change your preferences in relation to notifications (including marketing communications), at any moment, you can access “my account”. If you don’t want to receive our marketing communications, you can also cancel the subscription by clicking on the link sent together with the marketing email. 


Can children make purchases? A Kaza Kerr sells products to children, but they should be purchaed with supervison of a responsible adult. If you are younger than 18 years old, you will need to make the purchase accompanied by one of your parents or another responsible adult


What are cookies and similar technologies? Cookies are small data files that are put in your computer or in other devices (like smartphones or tablets) while you navigate through a website or app. There are other technologies that work in a similar way to cookies. We use cookies, pixels and other technologies (collective “cookies”) to recognize your navigator or device, to learn more about your interests, to supply resources and essential services and also to accompany your preferences to send only ads of your interest. You can change your preferences in your account. If you block or reject our cookies, you will not be able to add items to your shopping cart, proceed to check out or enter our channels that require you to log in. Click on “Help” in your navigator settings to know how to prevent accepting cookies and to be notified when you receive new cookies, to see when they expire and to deactivate them. 


Are you in doubt about our Privacy Policy? If you have any doubts about this Privacy Policy even after reading it or you need to speak with us about subjects involving your personal data, please email our customer service area. If any change is made to our Privacy Policy, we will notify you by email. We are available to clarify your doubts and put you in control of your personal data. Count on us to keep you informed.